Wrapping up.

Dear TROUBLE followers

You’ve done it again!! The extra time paid off, the last minute goals were spectacular!! (Okay, admittedly the soccer image is a bit of a stretch – but it’s not every year our fundraiser coincides with the World Cup..). So you must be dying to know the final score.

Our target of R 63 360 (ca. 3500€) seemed almost impossible for a while – but do you know what? Team TROUBLE stayed true to Jenny’s life motto: “Never give up” – and we got there!

We raised (or rather, YOU donated!) a total of R64 220 (3 540 €)!! Whooo-hoo!!! Where is my vuvuzela when I need it??

A heartfelt, humble, THANK YOU to every single one of you who supported us in these extremely hard times. No less than 56 sponsors chipped in. Some were friends, many were complete strangers. Thank you all SO, SO much!! It means that Jenny’s basic expenses for 2023 are covered and there’s even a tiny bit extra for emergencies.

Jenny is struggling to hold a pen at the moment, so she’s asked me to include this note from her:

Now of course, those of you in Germany are dying to know about the cookies & bookmarks!


The Prizes this year were:

– 5 BIG packets of home-baked cookies
– 5 MEDIUM packets of home-baked cookies
– 15 bookmarks (we like for as many people as possible to be winners :))

I also made an extra packet of cookies as a kind of consolation prize. Some sponsors contribute every year but are unlucky in the draw – so I wanted to surprise one of them with a packet as well.

Because we wanted to keep postage fees down, we only included people who live in Germany in the draw. We hope you understand..

Thank you again to Anne and Hugo for help with the baking. And as always, my little helpers (who are not so little anymore) assisted with the draw.

And the winners are:

BIG packets of cookies
1. Sylvia
2. Sophie
3. Valentin G.
4. Judith
5. V Schlicht

MEDIUM packets of cookies
1. Alex
2. Julia
3. Martin
4. Irati
5. Ulrike

1. Nina
2. Jeff
3. Marcus
4. Kerstin
5. Valentin F.
6. Anna
7. Nathalie
8. Dereck
9. Klaus
10. Thomas
11. Hannah
12. Sonja
13. Christiane
14. Teresa
15. Jane

Consolation Prize:
Valo! Who has contributed for 5 years running, but has NEVER GOT COOKIES!! So he has totally deserves this 🙂

Congratulations to all of our winners! I will be in touch with you over the next few days about your prizes.

The fundraiser is dead – LONG LIVE THE FUNDRAISER!!

That is to say: if you were planning to still make a contribution, please do. Extra cash allows Jenny to take care of unexpected costs caused by medical emergencies, her wheelchair, phone or computer (all of which have to be adapted to her special needs- making them really expensive.) We don’t want to set the fundraiser goals too high, but unfortunately it means that she’s always on a very tight budget. You can pay money into any of the accounts listed in the fundraiser mail. The money from Germany gets transferred to Jenny every 2-3 months. You can also pick your own date: one of our sponsors decided that Nov/Dec is a bad time of year for her, so now she transfers money at Valentines Day! Any time is a good time for TROUBLE!

Again – thank you to everyone who contributed so generously. God bless. We’ll be back with another fundraiser next year!

Till then, have a lovely Christmas season.

All the best,

from Jenny Symons a.k.a. TROUBLE

Yvette Coetzee-Hannemann (Friend, Fan and Funding Co-ordinator)

and everyone else in TEAM TROUBLE.  


Dear Trouble Aficionados


So far, close friends and complete strangers have contributed a phenomenal R 57 518 (that’s 3 116€)!

We’re overwhelmed by the generous contributions that keep coming in and want to thank everyone again wholeheartedly!! Just to put these numbers into perspective: that is already more than our goal last year (R 45 960/2 640 Euro)but due to the leap in inflation, we’re not there just yet…

We’re still R 5 842 / 384 € short – and are hoping to get that by the end of the day.

So anyone who has been thinking about contributing  – please do so today. We would like to re-iterate that really NO contribution is too small. It adds up, as you can see!!

For banking details, please write to us at fundraisingfortrouble(at)gmail.com.

Thank you in advance!!


Fundraiser extended till Sunday 4 December

Dear Trouble-Troopers

You guys are AMAZING!! There has been an avalanche of donations in the past two days – more than R 27 000 (1500 €)!!! We don’t know exactly what the numbers are as some money is still in mid-transfer, but we’ve definitely cracked the 46 000 Rand  (2 500 €)  mark.


People have also approached us, asking for more time so they could get their December paycheck, pass the mail on to their friends or have time at the weekend for transfers.

So we’re going into extra time!

We’re extending the fundraiser till Sunday 4 December.

If you are planning to make a donation, pass on the e-mail, or sell popcorn at a pop-up “I love TROUBLE” stand to raise money, please do (and send us the photos!!)

We now need less than 1000 € /  R 17 360. We can make it. As you all know from football, a LOT can happen in extra time 🙂

So – please join the effort. And remember: No amount is too small! It all adds up in the end.