Three days to go // Black Friday challenge

Dear Troublacious people

Only three days to go!

So far, we’ve got about 65% of the money together that we need. In concrete terms, we have raised R 33 267 ( which is about 2 050€).  Our goal is to raise R51 000.

Thank you so much to everyone who’s contributed so generously!!

In order to still reach our goal, we’re starting the “Black Friday” challenge. It’s very simple: anyone who’s not sure about getting involved, can sponsor us with 50% of what they save on Black Friday purchases. Win-win, right??

And all those last-minute I-just-haven’t-quite-managed-to-get-around-to-it potential sponsors – now is the time!! Especially for those living in Germany. The lucky draw is on Sunday 1 December at 20:00, we’ve pushed back the deadline by a day to give you extra internet-banking time.

I’m sifting through cookie recipes as we speak… (there will be 5 packets up for grabs!) And don’t forget, there are also some cool “I love TROUBLE” pens to be won, and one pair of very nifty oven mitts (sported here by a Chef who gets into a good deal of trouble himself)

Hugo with oven mitts

Thank you to our anonymous sponsor for the prizes!

We’re keeping our fingers crossed!! 3 days to go! It’s not too late to tell your friends. Let’s get TROUBLE through 2020!!!


UPDATE: Fundraiser so far…

Dear everyone

We promised to keep you posted on the progress of our fundraiser.

We’re now 2/3rds in, and so far, we’ve managed to raise a total of

R 30 615. That is just over 60% of our goal, which is to raise R51 000.

For those who are interested in the details:

So far we have monthly contributions (in SA) amounting to R 1050.
Our goal is to get R 1 800.
In Germany, we have monthly contributions totalling 80 Euros
Our Goal is to get 90 Euros.
One-off payments so far totalling R 2 295 / 140 Euro.
Our Goal is to get R 15 000 / 900 Euros

So – as you can see, we’re doing very well, but we’ve still got a long way to go in the next 10 days. So – please be sure to keep beating that drum!!!


Kicking off the 2019 Fundraiser.

We’re very excited to announce the start of this year’s

“I LOVE TROUBLE” fundraiser.

From our 2015 T-shirt fundraiser

These annual fundraisers play an important role in keeping Jenny going – and the contributions just kept growing! Last year’s fundraiser was the most successful to date. It brought in R51 040. And now here’s something you don’t hear very often: we don’t need any more than that! It was exactly right.

Goal: By 30 November 2019 we want to raise R 51 000 (3 025 €)

The plan is to do so by generating

  • R 15 000 (900 €) in one-off donations
  • R 3000 (180 €) in regular monthly contributions (limited to a year)


In order ro reach these goals, in South Africa we’re looking for:

  • 3 people who can commit R50  per month
  • 3 people who can commit R100 per month
  • 3 people who can commit R200 per month.
  • 3 people who can commit R250 a month

Internationally (from all the countries with TROUBLE fans, including Britain, Sweden, Germany, New Zealand) we’re looking for:

  • 3 people who can commit 5 Euro per month
  • 3 people who can commit 10 Euro per month
  • 3 people who can commit 15 Euro per month

The regular monthly- contributions have proven vital in coverting costs. Sponsors (maybe you?) commit to transferring a small regular amount (let’s say R50 or 5 €) every month for one year, from December 2019 until November 2020. When enough people get involved, these regular amounts really add up. Of course, we’ll be very happy if sponsors extend their support beyond that, but we will check in with everyone after a year to see if that is possible.

But, please remember, one-off donations are also very, very welcome! Even small amounts really, really help!

If you can make a contribution, please write to fundraisingfortrouble(at) and we will send you Jenny’s banking details.

Now we get to the good stuff, where we can give our generous sponsors something back! There will be a prize draw in Berlin for our German supporters (unfortunately, we can’t open it up to everyone, as postage fees are too high).

The prizes last year included 3 “I love TROUBLE” pens, 5 packets with home-baked cookies and the grand prize: magnetic picture frames. What’ll it be this year? Watch this space to find out…

baking cookies 1

Here’s how it works: For every 10 € you donate or pledge, your name goes into the hat for the lucky draw on 30.11.2019. The names of people who pledge more than 10 € go into the hat more than once – so the name of someone who pledges 5 € a month for a year, goes into the hat 6 times.

Make sure to send us a mail, of you want to be included!

prize draw 1

And, please remember to spread the word. Just 4 weeks to go!!

Thank you!!

Trouble (Jenny) and Yvette (Friend, Fan, funding co-ordinator). fundraisingfortrouble(at)
